I guess there hasn't been so much flattering to the Germans on Yahoo!Answers for years, thank you for that.
But I must disappoint you, your data are a bit outfashioned.
We laugh at Spongebob, the IT Crowd, and Monty Python. We've become britizised. Except for football; there we're still digging the grass. I believe nobody like the Germans and Brits have invented so many so many devices to sort of "cultivate" a field of grass, considering that only 0.1% of the Germans play Golf. (I'd understand it if they'd plant weed.)
We do cross the road on a red light, but make sure we hacked the traffic light's system first and noones watching. Alternatively, when there's a nurse with some kindergarten kids, we take a step from the curb on red, then step back, and enjoy the screaming of nurses, kids, and brakes. (But just sometimes.)
We are on time in our docs' waiting room for a scrip and all suffer from severe backache. Your problem retiring in Germany will be that the Doc will inevitably tell you that you'll HAVE TO HAVE BACKACHE to become a fully acknowledged pensioneer, so if you disagree and discuss, you'll most probably die from a heart attack. (They do that on purpose.)
The good news is, German health insurance will pay for a pair of duckwalking sticks and a brochure that tells you how to use them.